Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Gender Stereotypes in Science and Technology Essay

Gender Stereotypes in Science and Technology The experiences we have and the ideas we formulate as children can and do have a tremendous impact on what we do with our lives as adults. One thing that we studied during this course was the differences between toys that boys play with and those that girls play with. When little boys are given things to play with like chemistry sets and erector sets, they are given tools to develop skills like mechanical ability and spatial perception. More importantly, in my opinion, this sets up a stereotype about what activities are suitable for boys and which activities are suitable for girls. Just as boys who play with dolls are seen as being unusual, little girls who do boy things and play with†¦show more content†¦One of the more interesting articles which I found was entitled Masculinity, femininity, androgyny, and cognitive performance: A meta-analysis, and was published in volume 100 of Psychological Bulletin. In this study, Margaret Signorella and Wesley Jamison evaluated the hyp othesis set forth by SC Nash in the 1975 article The relationship among sex-role stereotyping, sex-role preference, and the sex difference in spatial visualization. Nash found that sixth and ninth graders who showed a preference for being male performed better on tests evaluating spatial relations, and she proposed that children will perform better on cognitive tasks typically associated with the gender which matches their personal self-concepts. Signorella and Jamison found that high masculine-low feminine self-concept scores were associated with better performance on math and spatial tasks for both girls and boys. Both mathematical and spatial skills are necessary for technical careers such as engineering and computer science, and these results suggests that girls who show a preference for male activities may have the skills necessary for pursing one of these career paths. This study looked at children in the early stages of adolescence, however, which is a time when mathematical abilities, as measured by standardized tests, are pretty much equal between genders. The effects encountered in high school, both academic and social, do notShow MoreRelatedGender Differences and the Threat of Gender Stereotype in Science Education1045 Words   |  5 PagesGender differences in education is something of a common topic among educational studies since intensification in the 1970’s (Breakwell, 2003, p. 437). Gender differences among the subjects taught in school has been found to be somewhat more of a social construct rather than a concept that has any kind of scientific explanation because of th e idea of gender differences being taken and changed into the idea of a gender stereotype in most parts of education (Crilly, 2013, p. 1). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My Favourite Fashion Icon Essay - 1054 Words

Celebrities like Zendaya, Keke Palmer, and Rihanna, quickly came to mind after reading this question. However as I thought about I the â€Å"why† and reflected on my personal preferences I realize my truly favorite fashion icon is my mother. No, my mother is not a celebrity, nor could you look her up on social media because she has none. Since a young girl I have always had a hard time identifying with celebrities, so the women in my life became my heroines. My mother has been my role model from the start, especially in fashion. Let me tell you about Mrs. Monique Dickenson. She is from Manhattan New York, which that alone can tell you a little about her style. As an only child she had a lot of responsibly and looking good was always at the top†¦show more content†¦Walking in the mall can be more than annoying. Strangers will walk up to her and compliment her outfit all the time. For her 50th birthday she wore a pants suite and a fedora tilted to the side, and of cours e some designer heels. Only my mom could pull that off. I appreciate the fact that she knows what she likes and how to make it work for her; and she never forces her style me. However what truly makes here shine no matter what she has on in her smile. It is true you’re never fully dressed without a smile. Though Monique Dickenson is not a celebrity she is my fashion inspiration; and just like any other fashion icon her presence can command a room; starting with her smile. 2. What challenges have you faced as a woman and what actions did you take to overcome them? You’re not pretty enough, you’re not tall enough, you’re not developed enough, and you’re not smart enough. YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH. As an aspiring black ballet dancer I am faced with â€Å"you are nots† every day. There is always someone or something telling you that you are subpar. Negativity combined with my competitiveness has driven me towards a deep work ethic. It has become apparent to me that I work so hard to prove my worth. At times the person I am trying to prove this to is myself. Once I realized that I was pushing myself to my wits end to prove what I already knew in my heart I was able to find peace. One day I literally stood in front of a mirror and repeatedly said â€Å"I am enough†. The moreShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Origin of The Beatles3014 Words   |  13 Pageswith an a. A full-time drummer, Pete Best (b. 1941, Liverpool, England), was recruited and they secured a residency at Bruno Koschminders Indra Club in Hamburg. It wa s during this period that they honed their repertoire of RB and rock n roll favourites, and during exhausting six-hour sets performed virtually every song they could remember. Already, the musical/lyrical partnership of Lennon/McCartney was bearing fruit, anticipating a body of work unparalleled in modern popular music. The imageRead MoreThe Studio System Essay14396 Words   |  58 Pagesdevelopment, classic operation, and reinvention of the global corporate entities which produce and distribute most of the films we watch. Starting in 1920, Adolph Zukor, head of Paramount Pictures, over the decade of the 1920s helped to fashion Hollywood into a vertically integrated system, a set of economic innovations which was firmly in place by 1930. For the next three decades, the movie industry in the United States and the rest of the world operated by according to these Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work

Monday, December 9, 2019

Defining the Cloud Architecture and Reasons for Deploying It

Question: Defining The Cloud Explain Architecture And Reasons For Deploying It? Answer: Introduction Cloud Computing is gradually becoming the necessity for every organization due to its unique features and security. It also offers varieties of option for every group of organization so that it can support well in the premise. Cloud computing also helps in understanding the market quite well and can generate better decisions (Rosado Bernardino, 2014). Cloud computing also aims in providing efficient work. The following report discusses about the different cloud architectures and the problems related on having hybrid cloud architecture. Cloud Architecture that is useful for SoftArc Engineering There are various types of cloud services that can be deployed by SoftArc in order to meet the board strategy. Some are as follows: Redundant Storage Architecture Elastic Disk Provisioning Architecture Service Load Balancing Architecture Dynamic Scalability Architecture Resource Pooling Architecture Defining the Cloud Architecture and reasons for deploying it Resource Pooling Architecture: It a type of architecture where all the identical IT resource pools are grouped together and stored in a system and later maintained by the system which ensures that all of the resources stay synchronized with all other resources (Alamri et al., 2013). The main reason of deploying it because with this, the company can store all their resources within a single system and they can retrieve these resources from anywhere and the best part of using this architecture is that all of them works simultaneously meaning this will make the process much faster and also makes it efficient (Almorsy, Grundy Mller, 2016). Dynamic Scalability Architecture: It is a type of architectural model that is completely works on pre-defined system having scaling condition that helps in triggering the dynamic allocation of all IT resources from resource pools. It is very closely related to Resource Pooling Architecture. The reason behind using this architecture is that it helps in allocating dynamic storage that is those spaces can be changed later which is not possible in static storage. Service Load Balancing Architecture: It is a type of cloud architecture that is specifically designed to scale down the cloud service implementation. The main reason of implementing this architecture is because with this, the load can be evenly distributed so that there is no load on a single server and also it helps in scaling of the cloud services (Almorsy, Grundy Mller, 2016). Elastic Disk Provisioning Architecture: It is type of architecture where it helps in giving a dynamic storage provisioning system which helps the cloud users to be billed for the exact amount of storage that the individual uses and not for the whole part (Othman, Madani Khan, 2014). The main reason to consider this architecture as then SoftArc will have to pay for the amount storage they are using and not for the whole which will be cost efficient. Redundant Storage Architecture: It is a type of cloud architecture where a duplicate secondary storage is introduced which works as a failover system and helps in synchronizing the data that is already presented in the cloud storage device (Othman, Madani Khan, 2014). The main reason behind to consider this is that it will create a backup and save the data elsewhere and after that it can be merged later on with the primary one. Benefits and Issues related with these architectures Redundant Storage Architecture Benefits: It is having high availability when it comes on cloud storage. It also helps in providing high level protection. With the help of this, a backup is generated automatically which then merges with the primary one afterwards. Issues: Redundant Cloud Storage devices are mainly the subject for failure and this is caused by some network connectivity issues or controller or some general hardware failure or even the security breaches. Elastic Disk Provisioning Architecture Benefits: The main advantage of using this cloud architecture is that the company needs to pay for only the amount of cloud storage it is using and not the rest (Rosado Bernardino, 2014). This functionality helps the company from the financial perspective as their cost to company would be less. Issues: Problem with using this architecture is that the companies are given a limited amount of storage that they ask for. If that storage gets used up, they need to ask for extra storage again for which they need to pay extra amount. Service Load Balancing Architecture Benefits: The benefit of using Cloud Load Balancing is that it is scalable and is a global character. It helps the company by handling all types of traffic spikes without compromising the performance. This is done by placing a cloud load balancer which helps in auto scaling so meet the requirements. Issues: There are many issues that needs to be considered while implementing Cloud Load Balancer like Infrastructure as the main purpose of cloud load balancer is to distribute the traffic among all the servers in the infrastructure and without proper infrastructure, messages will not get delivered. Bindings are also another issue because it is dependent on the infrastructure and under bindings; there are various sub parts like the BasicHttpBinding and NetTcpBinding (Sadiku, Musa Momoh, 2014). Dynamic Scalability Architecture Benefits: There are many benefits of using this cloud architecture as these can monitor and track runtime usage with dynamic fluctuations. It is also useful as the hypervisor can be invoked with the help of dynamically scalable systems which in turn helps in removing virtual server instances (Alqahtanye et al., 2014). Issues: It can become very tedious at times and also quite time consuming. When there are multiple requests, one of server will gets full loaded. Here the performance is reduced with the increase in servers. Resource Pooling Architecture Benefits: The benefit of using this cloud storage architecture is that with this, it can help in storing all the IT resources in a single place. It is mainly used for the interface with backend systems and programs so that resource pool administration can be featured (Sanaei et al., 2014). This is used to generate instances for IT resources. Issues: As all the systems remains synchronized so if there is any technical issue found inside the system, then it becomes very difficult for the retrieval of information from that dedicated pool of resources. Hybrid Cloud Strategy risks and mitigating with the risks Identifying the risk Possible explanation Controlling the risk IT architectural design A hybrid cloud computing is a very complex type of cloud computing which basically involves all forms of cloud services like the public clouds, private clouds and in premises IT. To build a hybrid cloud computing, it requires great skill as it has to be secure from one end to another end so that the communication becomes secure else anyone can highjack in the middle. The only way to control this risk is that it the cloud based architecture needs to build by someone who is quite experienced and has got acquired quite expertise in this field. Data Management Many companies uses this storage for automation in the their data centers to route data to their tiers but for some reason the data may gets lost in its way and it can be quite problematic. In this way, it puts the companys data into a greater risk and even more complex when data goes to some non-data center destination. The only possible way to mitigate these problems is to make a backup for these data and all the routes should be made secure so that the company can keep a track record of every data and in this way the data will be safe. Network Visibility Hybrid cloud computing can create some problems as through a loss of network visibility. Without perimeter, the risk of security breaches increase. These are often vulnerable as these are outside the control of any business. This can be controlled by applying clear perimeters so that there might not be security breach. Also the company should try to take control of their application as they might get attacked and get corrupted and this might hamper their whole infrastructure. Bandwidth and latency Access of cloud computing mainly works with the internet connection as without internet connectivity, no work can be performed. Risk of latency for the real time data streams and this can be quite dangerous as this can interfere with companys own internal network. This can be avoided by making the internet available and the company should ask their service providers if they are offering high speed internet connectivity or not because to work with this, internet connectivity is really important for any type of data communication and this ensures un-interrupted data flow. General Information Security steps and controls Malware Protection: All the systems and servers should be installed with anti-malware defense mechanism as this can help in from getting the system from being collapsed or even stealing of any confidential data. Scanning for malware across the organization in every system should be made compulsory (Arora, Parashar Transforming, 2013). Malware can damage any system and cripple the networking systems which will put a huge financial pressure over the company. Network Security: Protecting the networking system from any kind of external and internal attack. Managing the network perimeter is really important and all the networks should be monitored well for any kind of unauthorized access (Kant Sharma, 2013). This should also try to monitor any kind of malicious content and the network security protocols should be maintained strictly. Secure Configuration: Applying security patches to all the existing applications would prove to be very useful as with this, the network layout can be kept secure. Applying security patches helps the application or system from any recent threat so it becomes very useful for the company to update their application on a monthly basis so as to secure their systems (Arora, Parashar Transforming, 2013). Monitoring: The Company should try to monitor everything that is related to cloud services as this is the place where the company will store all their data. That is why they need to keep a close look on the networks to see if anyone is trying to gain access without permission or if there is any virus, malware or anything like that which can steal information or can seriously damage the system (Kant Sharma, 2013). Incident Management: The Company should set up an incident management system where all the incidents regarding network issues will be registered. If the security officials find anything suspicious, then they can report it to the management and necessary steps are taken according to the registered complaint (Hashem et al, 2015). SoftArc Engineerings BCP in adopting the Hybrid Cloud approach There are multiple factors for which the SoftArcs can do a great deal of change if they use Hybrid Cloud System. The first is the Business Continuity and it can be described as something that it is not something where all the data gets backed up or replicating the content over the cloud. It basically means that data is still accessible over the cloud (Garg, Versteeg Buyya, 2013). It needs to be planned before hand so that working can be done properly. Second is that there are more opportunity for innovation that is with hybrid cloud computing, the company is getting the most advanced form of cloud computing from which the company can do their work more efficiently and also it can be able to store backup if there is any technical fault or even due to some natural disaster (Hashem et al, 2015). The third is the Scalability and this can help the company by scaling down the specific workloads and implementing these automation rules over the cloud provides the ability to scale resources up and down. It also helps in optimizing the environment that can help for better performance and efficiency. Points to be considered by SoftArc Remote Server Administration Remote Server Administration System mechanism helps in providing tools and also provides user interfaces that can be used for external cloud resource administrators so that they can configure and administer cloud based IT resources. The system can help in providing the user console while interfacing with underlying management system with the help of their APIs (Di Spaltro, Polvi Welliver, 2016). This helps any server to communicate remotely and they can share information. Resource Management System The Resource Management System can be useful when coordinating with IT resources with response the actions mainly performed by cloud consumers and providers. In the very core of this system lies the Virtual infrastructure manger that helps it in co-coordinating the server and this helps in creating virtual server instances (Bahrami Singhal, 2015). SLA Management System It is a management mechanism system that represents a varied range of commercially available cloud management products that features in administration, collection, storage and also helps runtime notification of SLA data (Hashizume et al., 2013) Steps involved in moving the current application to AWS cloud There are various steps that are involved in while moving the current application to AWS cloud. There are basically six steps through which it has to be passed through like: Cloud Assessment Phase: While having this phase, security and compliance assessment is being conducted and also the technical assessment is conducted. The officials should also try to identify the tools that need to build this (Wei et al., 2014). They should also try to migrate their licensed products and making of a plan and measure success. Proof of Concept Phase: Validating the technology and should try to test the existing software that is present in the cloud. Data Migration Phase: Understanding different storage options that are present in the AWS cloud. All fileservers should be migrated to Amazon S3 and MySQL to Amazon RDS. Application Migration Phase: Hybrid migration strategy made. Creating AMIs for every particular component (Wei et al., 2014). Leverage the Cloud Phase: Hardening the security is must and automat the elasticity and SDLC. It should also leverage multiple availability zones and should contain AWS services. Optimization Phase: Improving the efficiency and trying to implement advanced monitoring and telemetry. Should also re-engineer the application and should decompose all the relational databases. Critical Points and Issues Identifying the gaps that are present in between the current traditional legacy architecture and next generation cloud architecture. Mitigating the risk by validating critical pieces for the proposed architecture. They should also consider the security issues. Considering the location is also important It should be future proof Should be able to generate automated management backup. Conclusion From the above report it can be concluded that cloud computing is really important when it comes on business standards as they help in sharing of files and communication much easy. All the file sharing and communication takes place with full security so that no one can intercept in the middle. Also with cloud computing, efficient work is guaranteed as they can process huge data within very less time and that also from multiple systems. There are different cloud services which offer different functionalities. They should also try to implement network security and protocols so that they can keep all their files safe and intact. Reference Alamri, A., Ansari, W. S., Hassan, M. M., Hossain, M. S., Alelaiwi, A., Hossain, M. A. (2013). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

UAE Country Profile

Table of Contents Introduction Political and Legal environment in the UAE Economic environment Social / Cultural Technology Hofstede country characteristics Reference Introduction The UAE is one of the most lucrative countries to invest in owing to its favorable economic policies and strong infrastructural framework. Nonetheless, social distinctions may prove difficult for foreigners to handle, if they do not learn about them beforehand.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on UAE Country Profile specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Political and Legal environment in the UAE The UAE consists of seven Emirates that operate independently; consequently, the government that one is located governs commercial activity and the use of natural resources. The central government largely decides on immigration and foreign policy issues. A foreign business person will have to familiarize himself with the laws governing a certain Emirate in order to do business legally. No elections take place in this country, and no political parties exist as the country has a hereditary system of power. Members of royal families in each Emirate have a Sheikh as a leader; these seven Sheikhs then select a President from amongst them. The UAE has established free trade zones with several nations around the world. If a businessman comes from any of these countries, then he or she can own a UAE-based business fully. The person will pay no levy for exports or imports and he or she will be exempt from taxes. If the equipment or the raw materials in production come from outside the UAE, a person does not have to pay any taxes on them (Rehman, 2009). The legal system in the UAE is a civil law jurisdiction that has elements of Roman, French and Islamic law. Nonetheless, persons from common law backgrounds may use common principles in creation and management of contracts. In the seven Emirates, federal laws exist to govern commerc ial transactions, commercial agencies and labor relations. Usually, these laws are passed as local decrees by the ruler of a certain Emirate. Economic environment The economy of the UAE rests on its oil deposits. It is the second wealthiest Islamic country owing to these oil resources. Furthermore, economic growth levels are quite promising because, over the past decade, the country has reported growth levels of 2% or more. However, certain parts of the Emirates, such as Dubai, are diversifying their economy. The Emirate is now recognized the tourist and financial hub of the Middle Eastern region. It possesses artificial Islands such as Jumeirah and also has numerous villas that tourists can enjoy. Currently, Dubai has an International Financial Centre, which allows foreigners to own 100% of their portfolio. It does not charge taxes and allows participants to own freehold space and land. The country’s economic prosperity also stems from the UAE’s reliance on foreign l abor. Approximately 80% of the population consists of expatriate workers, most of who come from the Asian continent (Rehman, 2009).Advertising Looking for term paper on political culture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Employers in the UAE have been known for their abuse of workers’ rights. Many of them withhold employees’ passports throughout the duration of their contract. The Human Rights Watch group claims that UAE employers discriminate against Asian workers. Therefore, a business person who partners with locals should expect such mistreatment, but should also plan on how to deal with it. The UAE government has worked to create a lucrative investment climate. Its regulatory structures are not restrictive for foreigners. Additionally, the country has the infrastructural framework needed to support businesses efficiently. Several Emirates have minimized exchange control such that remittances can be made back to an immigrants’ home country without restrictions. Even taxation laws and tariffs are quite promising. Almost three quarters of all imports in the UAE are duty free, and one can export one’s products without paying any tariffs. With regard to freedom to trade, the UAE is position 5 in the world; consequently, foreign entrepreneurs would find the country quite appropriate for conducting business. Social / Cultural UAE citizens are predominantly Muslim, so their work week ends on Thursday afternoon and commences on Saturday. Nonetheless, certain multinationals may opt to change their working week to coincide with foreign businesses. Additionally, most businesses are closed in the afternoon during the month of Ramadan. The Islamic religion also governs most interactions with Emiratis. They expect people, especially women, to cover their bodies regardless of the heat. Foreign businesswomen should keep this goal in mind; although wearing traditional UAE clothing may off end locals as it must be worn by members of the Islamic faith. Individuals in this country detest pork or any pig products. Furthermore, men do not shake hands with women, so one must respect their practices (Rehman, 2009). Business meetings may be conducted unconventionally, according to western standards. First, the person who speaks the most during a business meeting may not be the decision maker. Therefore, foreigners should pay attention to silent individuals in the group. Additionally, an Emirati may nod or say yes when what they really imply is maybe. Since Emiratis respect ranks and titles, one should endeavor to learn about a business partner’s title prior to the meeting. Many of them will take phone calls, or welcome interruptions during business meetings, so this should be expected. Additionally, some topics are quite sensitive to the typical Emirati; these include: women, Israel or other personal questions.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on UAE Country Profile specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Citizens of the UAE speak Arabic, so communication with government bodies ought to be written in Arabic. Nonetheless, businesses communicate with each other using English. Foreign entrepreneurs would not heavily rely on translation as is the case with other Arabic countries. Technology The country has a technology and telecommunications centre at Dubai known as Dubai Internet City. This area offers businesses wireless connectivity and cutting edge technology for offices in the vicinity. Approximately one thousand companies are located in this part of the country alone. Some of the leading technology giants in the world can be found in Dubai Internet City. They include Cisco, Sony Ericson, IBM, Dell, Siemens, Computer Associates and many others. Additionally, several other service-oriented firms do business there. E-commerce is thriving in the UAE with provisions for online payme nts and deliveries among many companies. The government as well as its agencies can be easily accessed through the internet. Nonetheless, censorship issues have been reported concerning internet use. Furthermore, internet prices are not as competitive as they are in other parts of the world. Hofstede country characteristics The UAE has a high power distance score of 80 out of 100. This implies that inequality thrives in the UAE; leaders’ decisions are accepted without question. Furthermore a UAE version of the caste system exists in the country; this minimizes upward mobility of citizens (Rehman, 2009). Therefore foreign entrepreneurs should not expect democracy or diplomatic principles to operate. Emiratis have a low tolerance of uncertainty as seen through a UAI score of 68; this explains why they have instated plenty of policies, laws and regulations. Their goal is to exert as much control as possible over situations. Their masculinity index is 52, which is surprisingly close to the average of 50.2. Consequently, perceived restrictions on women may stem from their Islamic faith rather than their cultural inclinations. The individualism ranking of the UAE is 38, which is quite low. Emiratis are collectivist, and family or kinship links take precedence over individual needs. Reference Rehman, A. (2009). Dubai Co.: Global strategies for doing business in the Gulf States. London: McGrawhill.Advertising Looking for term paper on political culture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This term paper on UAE Country Profile was written and submitted by user Marco Avila to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.