Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Sun and Late Evening Light

Not a cloud cruised on that specific Sunday evening. The climbers, John and Mary had arrived at the highest points of the precipices as the sun was setting. They investigated the town aside and the water on the other. The entire scene showed up strikingly wonderful in the late night light, for it was nightfall. Their hearts started to load up with feelings as the immense open sky began to abandon a child blue to a harvest time red, the mists changed from cotton white to a flaring yellow orange giving the mists a fluorescent laser lined effect.Birds twittered musically while taking off to their homes in the lovely breeze, they also getting a charge out of the fabulous sight. The completely clear water shone like precious stones. Everything was practically still and the impact of the light made the scene seem as though one out of an artistic creation. It was so great. The climbers looked at the picturous scene as the harvest time sky turned darker. The sun appeared to find a sense of c ontentment, causing the climbers to feel great and warm.The sun gradually started to blur away, as though it were going to tumble off the edge of the water. John and Mary unexpectedly started to feel invigorated as they sat on the slope to take in the epic occasion directly before them, they felt alive, reawakened and roused. They gradually viewed the pre-winter red sun vanish behind the cloudy blue ocean and said to themselves, what a radiant dusk. One that would be scratched in their recollections forever.

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